In today’s world, leadership is ever-present in both good and not so good contexts. For several years we focus on leadership challenges and topics such as servant leadership, humility, a safe work environment and other leadership attributes typically not typically associated with the more commonly focused on dynamic, ambitious and in some cases famous leaders. Simon Sinek seems always to…
We’ve been writing about leadership isolation, and the value of our Inner Circle. We believe one of the biggest leadership challenges to Executives and CEOs is getting honest, truthful, candid, objective, qualified inputs and feedback, in a safe, non-threatening environment, to help in sorting out issues, ideas and problems and strategies. We know this because we have been there and…
In the spirit of further examining the aspects of organizational improvement and cultural challenges, and the resulting influences associated with creating improved, viable and effective organizations, one major influence is how people treat each other. Various data collected, via surveys and interviews over the past several years, indicate that even though systems and processes were not as effective as they…